Show video/image card to your users for discounts or offers or information.
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Show video/image card to your users for discounts or offers or information.
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The [wtn_offercard] shortcode displays a customizable offer card with the following options:
action_url: URL to navigate to when the button is clicked.
button_text_color: Color of the button text (hex code).
button_bg_color: Background color of the button (hex code).
button_text: Text displayed on the button.
card_size: Size of the card (SMALL, FULL_SCREEN, or FULL_WIDTH).
card_position: Horizontal alignment of the card, (SMALL size card position default position right) (Has no impact in case of FULL_SCREEN | FULL_WIDTH ) (LEFT, RIGHT).
card_bg_color: Background color of the card (hex code).
content_type: Type of content on the card (IMAGE or VIDEO).
content_url: URL of the image or video content displayed.
id: Unique identifier for the card.
schedule_duration: Duration for scheduling the card's display.
schedule_unit: Unit of time for the schedule (minutes, hours, day).
This shortcode generates an offer card with a button, an image, or video content that is visually appealing and functional.