Create Google OAuth Client Id

You’d require your Package Id and SHA-1 Certificate before you can obtain the client id.

If you already have a cloud project you can skip Steps A and proceed to Step B.

A. Steps to create Cloud Project.

  1. Log in into Google Cloud account and create a new project.

2. After creating the app, select the API’s & Services from Left Menu -> OAuth Consent Screen

3. Fill in the relevant details of your app and complete the process and return back to the dashboard.

B. Creating the OAuth Client Id

1. Go to Credentials page and click on “+CREATE CREDENTIALS” button and select OAuth client ID option.

2. Enter the details obtained earlier, SHA-1 and Package Id

3. Copy the Client Id and add save it, you’ll be required to provide it to us for integration.

Also you'll need to create the same for Web Client.

Last updated