Offer Card
Show video/image card to your users for discounts or offers or information.
You'll need to import the javascript file in your website before starting from this link.
It is a UI component commonly used to present special promotions, informations, or deals to users.
button (optional)
textColor = Button text colour
bgColor = Button background colour
text = Button text
size = SMALL | FULL_SCREEN | FULL_WIDTH (required)
position = LEFT | RIGHT (SMALL size card position default position right) (Has no impact in case of FULL_SCREEN | FULL_WIDTH )
bgColor = Card background colour
content (required)
type = IMAGE | VIDEO
url = Url of image or video they show in card
schedule - Used to configure when the offer card should be shown next.
duration = Number
unit = days/minutes/hours
Functionality for scheduling added on 12/12/2025
Last updated
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