Default page size is ISO_A4, function to set any other custom size
You'll need to import the javascript file in your website before starting from this link.
"printSize":"Your print size value", //Eg. ISO_A4, ISO_B1, JIS_B3
"label":"Any custom value you want" //optional
import { Printing } from "webtonative"
"printSize":"Your print size value", //Eg. ISO_A4, ISO_B1, JIS_B3
"label":"Any custom value you want" //optional
printSize - Value of the page size that you want. Refer to the official docs for the supported values link.
label (Optional) - To set label which is supported on selected devices when the print preview is loaded.
Feature taken live on 21/08/2024
Print Using Function
Call the function to print either by passing an html content or the url of the page/website. (Available on Android Only)
"type":"Your print type", //Eg. html or url
"url":"Link or html content" // Url of the page/website or html content that needs to be printed
import { printFunction } from "webtonative"
"type":"Your print type", //Eg. html or url
"url":"Link or html content" // Url of the page/website or html content that needs to be printed
*Feature was taken live on 01/07/2024 (Available on Android Only)