Show video/image card to your users for discounts or offers or information.
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Show video/image card to your users for discounts or offers or information.
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The Offer Card Action lets you display a customizable card in your app. This card can show text, colors, and content like images or links, making it easy to grab users' attention with an actionable offer.
Card Settings: You configure the card's appearance and behavior using these settings:
Action URL: The link to the button will open when clicked.
Button Text Color: The text color of the button.
Button Background Color: The background color of the button.
Button Text: The text is displayed on the button.
Card Size: The size of the card (SMALL
, or LARGE
Card Position: Where the card appears (LEFT
Card Background Color: The background color of the card.
Content Type: The type of content shown on the card (IMAGE and VIDEO
Content URL: The URL of the content (e.g., an image or video).
Add the Action: In your Bubble workflow, add the "Offer Card" action.
Fill Out the Settings: Enter the values for the card properties (e.g., button color, content type).
Preview the Card: The card will appear based on your settings and can be customized further.
Trigger: When the page loads or a specific button is clicked.
Action: The Offer Card action is triggered and displays the card with the configured settings.
Result: The card is shown with the provided button and content, ready for user interaction.
You want to promote a limited-time offer.
Configure the Offer Card with an image as the content, and a "Click Here" button, and set the card to appear on the left side of the screen.
When users click the button, they are redirected to the offer page.
This simple workflow ensures users see a visually appealing offer and can act on it easily!